Cum se prepara Batida Mango Cocktail (video)
Cum se prepara Batida Mango Cocktail
Batida Mango Cocktail recipe. When you order a cocktail like this at a bar, it takes forever – so save time and make this mango treat yourself in a matter of minutes! Savour our Batida Mango Cocktail recipe.
- 50 ml cachaca
- 10 g fresh mango, chopped
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 cups (250ml) crushed ice
- 1 cherry, to decorate
- 50/25ml shot measure
- 1 wooden pestle (or similar)
- 1 blender
- 1 wine glass
- 1 chopping board
- 1 sharp knife
Cum se prepara Batida Mango Cocktail